haricot beans are small , oval , plump , and creamy-white with a mild flavour and a small and smooth
Amaranthus is an excellent source of elements like foliate, calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin C, A and a powerhouse of Iron. Relieves a wide variety of oral problems like mouth ulcers, sore throat, bad br
Broccoli prevents cancer and reduces cholesterol. Maintains bone and heart health. Good for skin, eyes and has anti-ageing properties.
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Methi leaves reduce inflammation inside the body. They are effective in promoting milk flow for breast feeding
Mint is a remedy to manage ailments related to the digestive tract, oral, respiratory and skin disorders such as acne, insect bites & burns.
Ridge Gourds help in weight loss. Consumption of its juice is a remedy for jaundice.
Garlic is made of several heads wrapped in thin whitish layers.
ladies finger is a green vegetable with a tip at the end and a lighter green head...
with a segmented flesh that has a unique pleasant aroma and a strong sour taste
Button Mushrooms are very small sized mushrooms with smooth round caps and shorts stems.
fresho potatos are nutrient dens...non fatening & have resonable amount of calories
fresho potatoes are nutrient-dense , non-fattering and have resonable amount